On the back of our wonderful conversation with Jonatas, a Brazilian artist we highlighted in our previous blog post, we thought we’d reach out more artists from our Elite Diamond Team to hear their story.

We spoke to Surya, one of our Diamond Team members who is based in India, about how he found his way into our elite community of artists and how he is now able to fulfill his dreams while enjoying what he does.

The journey of Surya Prakash

Hi Surya, it’s great to finally meet you! So, tell us a little bit about how you found Creators3D and your first steps into the platform?

"Hey! it’s my pleasure to be here.

"I was introduced to this platform by a friend actually. It's quite a story, as I'm originally a software engineer, and I moved from that to filmmaking, and meanwhile was working in VFX. Until I joined the platform, I knew nothing about the PRB (Physically Based Rendering) workflow of the platform! So two years ago, after being introduced to this platform, I started learning from scratch.

I was working in a very big company (where most of the Indian movies are made), but the problem was that it’s in another city, so I’d have to move for the job. Creators3D allowed me to both work from home and stay where I am most comfortable, but at the same time challenge myself and be exposed to a whole new world, all from my home office"

Very surprising I must say. Did your background in VFX and filmmaking help you when you started working in Creators3D?

"Yes, especially the fact that I had to be very creative. Making the switch to VFX filmmaking was definitely a challeng as required me to develop my problem solving skills and be more creative, as you never know what you will come across.
I think that as I made my first steps into Creators3D, problem solving and fast learning are the things which helped me the most.
You’ll start to create your own techniques along the way and you won’t have to rely on youtube or other guides. You can create your own methods, create your own techniques and you can outshine others, that's how I feel right now."

Tell me more about how your week looked like working full-time at Creators3D?

Surya's brand new home office

"It’s all based on complexity. If the job is less complicated I can do one job in 12 hours. More complicated jobs - if you know exactly what you’re doing - can take a day, or a day and a half. One time I did 20 jobs in 3 days! So it totally depends.

Each project has its own problems to solve. For example, if you’re texturing a shoe there are a lot of materials and patterns in it. Sometimes it's all about trial and error to get it just right."

You seem like a very adaptable person. Do you think it servs you well in your work?

"Yes, it's very necessary. For this platform - no jobs are the same, it changes - you never know what’s going to be the next job. It’s not like a sales percentage where you go online, sell a producy and that’s it. It's very different in an artistic and technological sense. 
You have to have a wide variety of knowledge, for example - how materials work. With my background in engineering I know a lot about materials, even physics will help here! How reflection and refraction works, reflective index, all those things are really helpful to know - everything helps."

“The best part of working with Creators3D is that it all comes down to you. You get out what you put in”

What financial freedom has working through Creators3D given you?

"It can drastically vary - two months ago I made $1,100, it's really up to you; you get out what you put in. I could do, and I’m planning to do a lot more.  You can always do more, and that way you learn more, and then you get more work! It's a win-win."

That's sounds like a great plan! Were you able to fulfill any personal dreams of yours from your financial benefit at Creators3D?

"Yes! As my personal revenue increased around 60% since working in Creators3D, I was able to buy the car I wanted for a long time, and very recently I assembled a new PC for working in Creators3D. It's way more professional and allows me to perform better in the jobs I take on the platform, and as a 3D artist in general!
I can’t wait to take on more projects!"

Surya in his new car

Surya, as an experienced artist in the platform, what tips would you give to artists who are thinking of joining the Creators3D community,?

"My advice for them is to be curious, and have a lot of it. You have to be interested in learning new things and you have to be thrilled by solving problems.”

“If I can do it - anyone can!"

Yes, there are rules and protocols and it’ll take some time to get used to it. It’ll take about 3 to 4 months to get into a good rhythm of work. But - this platform is fantastic for making good money, and as you keep learning new and efficient skills - with time and effort you’ll see your financial revenue just keep going up!"

"You have the option to earn some fantastic money, you can plan your future and build your dreams with it...but you also have the option to do it as a hobby, it's simply up to you"

Thank you for the great tips Surya. So, we’ve come to the end of the interview. Any last insights you would like to give us ?

"To be really successful on Creators3D, it all comes down to you - your effort, your input.

If you ask me, I strive to be 100% committed to Creators3D, even more than I am now, as I believe that to earn the 'prize' you must give in everything you can."

It's been a pleasure to listen to you Surya, thank you for your time!
"Thank you for the opportunity, you’re welcome!"

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